Saturday, January 26, 2008

New book out

I immediately thought Raytheon directors and VP's when I saw the title of this book:

Free Lunch: How the Wealthiest Americans Enrich Themselves at Government Expense (and Stick You with the Bill)

by David Cay Johnston

I've got a half dozen books on the list, perhaps this one is worth piling on.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Campaign ads

One good (or bad) thing about living in MA is you get to witness the media scrutiny on the New Hampshire primaries from nearby but without the congestion and well, scrutiny. I had not had the good fortune to see all major candidates' TV campaign ads this early until this year.

Democrat side
Hilary: 2 version of classic, positive and color-rich ads, second person voice. Lots of videos and photos of her being with large groups of supporters. I'll have to say it is a textbook campaign ad.
Obama: 2 versions of one black/white still photos in a series and another of color video footage, second person voice. B/W one is unusual but grabs my attention almost immediately. The color one nicely compliment it.
Edwards: first person talking directly to the camera about fighting big corporations, nice wholesome backdrop in one version. Another one with just colors as background, him talking about how he fights for "the underdogs."

My favorite is Obama's. I believe they really bring out his strengths, very inspiing. Hilary's are a close second, very convincing. Both Hilary and Obama's ads mention the local NE newspapers that endorsed them.

John Edwards is crazy. He says "he'll fight big corporations that take jobs away from middle class Americans." Doesn't he know most people work for big corporations?!

On the GOP side:
Romney: very positive (we are going to be better and better), saturated and polished colors like pn a day-time soap opera of Mitt talking directly into the camera. He is a very speaker I must say.
John McCain: first person as well, reminding folks he hasn't changed since 2000. A bit boring as it is just a headshot. It made me feel a bit sympathetic for him.

I haven't seen any ads from Guiliani or Ron Paul. My money has been going to Ron Paul, but I'm thinking about giving Obama some push as well. Something tells me to want to keep my pot of contribution for Paul though, although his anti-abortion stands bother me.

When I googled "campaign", I got this list below. Hilary number 2 hit, weird.