Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bye Bye Diapers!

Emil achieved a major milestone last week, he's potty trained! The little man learned it in a week or so, and has now moved onto regular underwear. Let me know tell you, a 21 months old toddler in tightee whitees is just too cute! Size 2T/3T is the smallest most brands make for boys' underwear, thankfully Emil is a big boy for his age.

Not having to change diapers is a fantastic gain for me and Kristian. It wasn't too bad when it was just breastmilk poop. But once he started eating the same food as us, the gross factor went straight up.

Before I started this, I had heard mostly about 3 year olds resisting potty training. I'm glad I did it now because power struggles with a 3 year old Emil would not have been fun.

I tried when Emil was 13 months and he was already holding pee for 3 hours at a time. Cognitively he wasn't ready for potty though, so I quit and waited until he was 18 months old. If you have a child in diapers, don't wait too long to potty train! Readiness for most kids is on either side of turning 2, and once you miss that, you may end up with a 4 year old in diapers.