Friday, April 27, 2012

Sweet boy

While sitting down on the toilet, Emil asked his Daddy to stay. Emil: "I want you to wait in my room daddy." K: "Why?" Emil: "Because I like you to wait there when I poop." K: "Ok, but why?" Emil: "Because I like you."

Last Names

Me: "Emil, what's Fred's last name?" Emil: "Young!" (not too surprising as Fred told him the previous day in the car, but I'm impressed with his memory) Me: "What's your last name?" Emil: "Kristen." (not bad) Me: "What's my last name?" Emil: "Aw-aw!" (ha!) Me: "What's Oskar's last name?" Emil: "Chubby!" (hahaha!)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Conversation with Jane

Jane: "I'm not too bright today."
Emil: "I'm not too shiny today!"

Sunday, April 22, 2012

S*HIT Emil says - part 2

I bumped into Emil while he was running around being his normal crazy self. He immediately put on a sad face.

"Mommy! You felled me down!"

"Oh really, sorry!"

"I hurt. You felled me down!"

He has also wanted to race and make a game of everything. This morning while going downstairs after waking up, Emil wanted to race against Kristian. Of course, he was the first one to get down to the kitchen level because his daddy is a nice guy. ;)

"I won you, daddy!!! I won you. hahaha. "