Thursday, July 19, 2007

Another amazing entrepreneur under 30

While poking around on Wikipedia today, I started reading the page on facebook. I vaguely remember being invited to join the site in 2004 while in graduate school at U of A.

It's funny that something seemingly so amateur and collegiate to me then has spung into a mainstream media outlet with million dollar deals involved in keeping it running. I felt the same way about LinkedIn when my classmate Srini first invited me to join, circa 2004 as well. There were only 2 people that I knew on that site! These days, I'm averaging a new contact almost every day.

What really amazed me was the profile of a major player currently at thefacebook, Matt Cohler. (see LinkedIn) I found his page on Wikipedia and started reading it immediately. It detailed Matt's adventures betweens getting Yale degrees, launching marketing plans at a pioneer IT company in Beijing, playing Jazz professionally as well as being a consultant at McKinsey, funding LinkedIn and now strategizing for Facebook. And all that accomplishment before the age of 30, I reckon? Holy crap!

I guess it did make me feel severely underachieved. This happened before trust me. Most recently it was stumbling upon Steve Jurvetson's Flickr account after being captivated by an interesting photo. I later realized he was a million dollar venture capitalist! In his 40's perhaps, he's lived almost a lifetime of an industry.

I gotta leave work now, but had to write down those thoughts before driving. Time to figure out my lifeplan after 30. Too little too late and/or not even possible with today's economy and success stories?

1 comment:

Maiski said...

Hi Cecily, Nice to meet you in Denmark. I saw, that you are on LinkedIn - maybe we could connect. My e-mail is :0) Mai