Saturday, March 15, 2008

No BFF, no love?

Is there anyone else out there other than me that doesn't have a BFF? Oh, if you haven't caught up with this new idiom, it means Best Friend Forever.

Last time I could tag friends with the BFF acronym was probably in middle school in China. At 13, I was in a group of 5 girls who always hung out together. Still, it wasn't a single person, it was a group. Since then, I can't really name anyone as my best friend.

What happens to people with no BFF's? Nothing as far as I'm concerned. I have plenty of friends that I can call up to hang out with. For day to day activities, I've got my boyfriend.


Amy said...

I guess I was lucky growing up cause my sister was my BFF, even though we fought a lot! I probably told her 100 times that I'd "never talk to her again", LOL.

But I think it's very hard to be an adult in America and have a BFF. If you do or did have one, chances are you don't live in the same city, and it's harder to make new friends as you get older. I haven't made any close girl friends since I moved to Seattle.

I am so afraid that I will turn into my parents and spend my whole adult life with no friends!! :/

Cecily said...
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Cecily said...

Ya, my Mom certainly has 0 friends right now. When she lived in China, she had some but no one really close to her. She is really close with her older sister, my Aunt though. I hope I can count on you and the other friends when I'm old; my brother and I aren't really friends cus we barely talk. BFF is like an expectation that's destined to disappoint many people if you take it too seriously.