Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Never a Dull Day

Two full loads of laundry piled up in the corner of the room. Dried laundry still needs to be put away. Dishwasher needs to be unloaded. Just when I thought you had a moment to catch up on housework, your 9 months started crying in the crib. It's supposed to be a 1.5 hrs of nap. Your only time to get stuff done around the house. WHY IS HE AWAKE NOW? Then, you feel a sore throat. After you get your baby out of the crib, the sore throat gets worse. SHIT, you are coming down with the flu. Extreme fatigue, body aches all over, and nausea. Then your 3 year old comes home from preschool and wants to "play outside with mommy"... All I can say is I made it to 8PM and was in bed at last. And my husband is home after traveling on and off for 3 weeks, so it wasn't the end of the world, yet.

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